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Standard Chartered PLC is a leading international bank, listed on the London, Hong Kong and Mumbai stock exchanges. It has operated for over 150 years in some of the world’s most dynamic markets and earns around 90 per cent of its income and profits in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This geographic focus and commitment to developing deep relationships with clients and customers has driven the Bank’s growth in recent years.
With 1,700 offices in 70 markets, Standard Chartered offers exciting and challenging international career opportunities for its 75,000 staff. It is committed to building a sustainable business over the long term and is trusted worldwide for upholding high standards of corporate governance, social responsibility, environmental protection and employee diversity. The Bank’s heritage and values are expressed in its brand promise, ‘Here for good’.
In China, the Bank set up its first branch in Shanghai in 1858 and has remained in operation throughout the past 150 years. Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited is one of the first foreign banks to locally incorporate in China in April 2007. This demonstrates the Bank’s commitment to the China market, and its leading position as a foreign bank in the banking industry.
Standard Chartered has one of the largest foreign bank networks in China – with 17 branches, 43 sub-branches and 1 Village Bank. Approval for the setting up of the Wuhan and Xian branch has been granted and preparation is in progress.
In 2009, Standard Chartered China is named by the Economic Observer as the ‘Best Trade Finance Bank in China’. It also clinched the Economic Observer’s ‘Best Innovation in Cash Management’ award, Global Finance’s ‘Best SME Lending Bank’ and the China Business News’ Outstanding Corporate Award of 2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Ranking in China’.
渣打銀行將于2014年7月- 12月開展為期3-6個月的個人銀行/商業客戶部門實習項目。我們誠摯邀請對外資銀行感興趣的優秀同學參與申請。
InternDeadline:Long Term
Job Description:2014年渣打銀行個人銀行/商業客戶部門實習生
• 精心設計的實習計劃,所在部門工作實戰體驗
• 資深導師的親身指導、定期評估和職業建議
• 快速建立人脈網絡,熟悉銀行內部運作模式,領悟職場秘訣
• 求職簡歷錦上添花,獲得通往金融行業的“入場券”
• 充分、全面的在職培訓,提高專業素養,拓寬職業視野
• 提前確定錄用為2015年個人銀行/商業客戶部門的正式員工
• 作為個人銀行/商業客戶團隊的一員,協助銷售與客戶服務部完成銷售、交易、和研究的工作
• 協調內部控制和其他輔助支持部門,在保證合規的前提下提高運營效率
• 在校成績優異,2015年畢業的本科或研究生,暑期全職實習,9月后每周3-4天實習
• 在校內外活動中表現出了杰出的領導能力,團隊溝通協調,解決問題能力
• 對外資銀行擁有濃厚興趣,了解金融市場, 擁有出色的學習能力。有相關實習優先。
• 優秀的中英文溝通能力
• 簡歷投遞:2014.6.4-2014.6.9
• 簡歷篩選及評估中心:2014.6.9-2014.6.25
• 錄用/入職:2014.7月通知錄用,2014.7月中旬入職