所屬行業: 金融業(投資/保險/證券/銀行/基金)
企業性質: 外企獨資 Intern-Database Development詳情
簡歷投遞: hrchina@hsbc.com.cn
職位性質: 兼職/實習
有效日期: 2011年03月29日 至 2011年04月08日
招聘人數: 1 人
工作地點: 上海
Intern-Database Development職位描述:
期限:2個月(4月25日 -- 6月30日)
1. 精通Microsoft Access?梢造`活運用vba及sql進行Access數據庫程序編寫及修改。(計算機系及有相關Access數據庫編寫經驗者優先)
2. 熟練運用Excel。
3. 邏輯性強,能理解基本信貸知識,溝通能力強,英語良好。
Headquartered in London, the HSBC Group is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations with around 10,000 offices in 83 countries and territories. The HSBC Group is named after its founding member, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 and has had a continuous presence in mainland China.
HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited is a wholly-foreign-owned bank solely owned by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Our distinctive combination of comprehensive market knowledge, familiarity with business conditions in different regions, and close relationships with Chinese trade and investment corporations, not only enables HSBC China to provide specialised China services, but also creates an environment where people can develop a professional banking career focused on China. Our significant global resources and local knowledge enable us to develop a market-leading service that is setting new standards in terms of professionalism, innovation, coverage and quality.
We’re looking for the business leaders of tomorrow to join us on this exciting journey. Because one thing is clear – if you are looking for a large range of career opportunities, a diverse and globally oriented culture and the chance to make your mark from day one, HSBC will definitely be a good choice for you.
匯豐銀行(中國)有限公司是香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司全資擁有的外商獨資銀行。匯豐綜合全面的市場知識、對不同區域業務條件的深刻了解,及透過與中國貿易和投資公司的緊密合作,我們不僅在中國提供了專業化的服務,而且為有志在中國銀行專業發展的人士提供了良好機會。最重要的是擁有全球資源和本地智慧的匯豐,成功發展了多項領先市場的銀行服務 — 為市場樹立專業、創新和質量各方面的新標準。
電子郵箱: hrchina@hsbc.com.cn
企業網址: http://www.hsbc.com.cn/careers