華僑銀行(中國)有限公司("華僑銀行中國")于2007年8月1日正式成立?偛吭O在上海的華僑銀行中國是新加坡華僑銀行("華僑銀行")的全資子公司。自1925年在廈門設立第一家分行起,華僑銀行一直保持在中國的持續經營。在這84年內,華僑銀行不僅沒有間斷過在中國的業務和服務, 我們也是1949年后在中國大陸連續經營的四家外資銀行之一。
華僑銀行中國的注冊資本為人民幣35億元(約合新幣6億9800萬元)。目前華僑銀行中國聘有超過400名員工, 除了上?偛,華僑銀行中國在北京、廈門、天津、成都和廣州也設有分支行。重慶分行也計劃于2009年上半年開業。另外,我們在青島也設有代表處。
Position Title: Wealth Management Relationship Acquisition Manager/ Relationship Manger
Department: Consumer Financial Services
Job location: SHANGHAI
Job Responsibility: Achieve sales targets and increase market share.
Job Description
- Achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and retention
- Source and call on individual potential customer within the assigned territory
- Identify Personal Banking service needs of the customers and deliver customized solutions
- Actively participate in marketing and promotional activities for customer acquisition
- Actively allocate clients portfolio in accordance to their needs in investment
- Ensure aggressive sales targets for all relevant products is met accordingly to the business strategy set, in addition to meeting client service quality standard levels set by the bank
- Assist in business planning and strategy
- Ensure effective communications with Management and other units
-A university graduate
-Having sales experience gained in the banking and financial services industry or other industries
-Sound knowledge of bank products and services and banking procedures, equities markets, unit trusts and other personal investment services are preferred
-Good investment counseling and analytical skills
-Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to deal with all levels of people, often in complex and difficult situations
-Team player who shows initiative and assertiveness
-Self-motivator who is keen to upgrade, improve personal knowledge and skills to meet job requirements
-Good command of both spoken and written English and Mandarin
上述工作為客戶經理崗位,需要應聘者對金融銀行業工作充滿激情,形象氣質佳,談吐得體,符合條件的同學請將簡歷附證件照發送至郵箱: emmazhang@ocbc.com,近期將通知安排面試